Gw2 black lion keys. Black Lion Requisition Mission Week 1. Gw2 black lion keys

 Black Lion Requisition Mission Week 1Gw2 black lion keys  While some free-to-play games usually have pay-to-win cash shops, the Guild Wars 2 Gemstore sells mostly utility and cosmetic items

Imo, the best value is living world seasons, salvage kits, shared inventory slots, character slots, bank tab extension. Keep your entire stable of mounts warm! The Cozy Wintersday Mounts Pack is back in stock. That means it costs me about $6. 4923 March 5, 2019 in. They have the star cape thing in the statuette vendor RN iirc I know a guy who used over 100 keys to get it at the time. Opening 50 Black Lion Chests w/ Keys. 53. The other day I decided to use them and for once in my life I got extremely lucky and got the seven reapers leg skin unlocked on the first try, so I decided to save my other keys because that's the only thing I wanted. Rival skies package - they look like alright skins. Basically, if you have the keys, it's worth opening them again. @Yannir. Black Lion Chest opened with a golden key. The Southsun Cove restriction was already in place, so they probably meant LWS3 episode maps onward. We don't need anymore to hope for an item to be added to the statuette vendor, it will just be :o This means that players in Belgium can't buy Black Lion Keys from the BLTC. Buying level 80 boost every week for fresh character to get him above level 10, transferring key to main, then removing the character. So it may be a bit misleading, but they are technically correct - they aren't "increasing the prices by 30% and. This offer is available once per week while supplies last! Some practical Information That Might Go Unnoticed In The Video. Black Lions Keys exist for ANet's profit. MorbidEel. Guide to how I do the Black Lion key run each week. 2 Black Lion Commemorative Coin 1 Black Lion Lockbreaker Kit => 5 Bandit Skeleton Keys 7 Glint's Winter Dye Kit => 1 exclusive : Glint's Isolation Dye. 0. Members. This gacha practice still exists. When summoned, this mini will inherit the appearance of your. Black Lion Chest Keys, Transmutation Charges, Total Makeover Kits, Self-Style Hair Kits, and Name Change. Streaks happen and when the odds are less than 50-50, it's hard to know when you're on a lucky streak because you'd still get transmute charges more often than not. Before we go into more detail about utilities available in the Gemstore, we should mention two elements that don’t quite fit the QoL or Cosmetics category. This is a well-written guide, but it is not the fastest way to farm black lion keys. Black Lion Chest Keys, Shared Inventory Slots, Transmutation Charges, Total Makeover Kits, Self-Style Hair Kits, and Name Change Contracts are all 20% off. I know that there are ways of getting Black Lion Keys in game, but these are rather sparse and time consuming in my opinion. I recently finished the level 10 quests with all my characters to get keys and oh boy the chests are such a scam. March 28–31: 30% Off Unique Armor Skins. The purchase is totally in your control. ago. Right click the chest > Preview. If you are interested in the black lion chest exclusive items, elementalist sword, wild magic or gryphon backpack, then the keys are worth it. List it for 2500-2600 gold in a few months when prices go up. Chests also have a chance to contain an uncommon, rare, or super-rare item. Share. EDIT: Bought 5 more keys with the leftover gems and got the Starborn outfit, still no unlocks though. — In-game description. Keep an eye on the Patch Notes, and/or the Wiki for information. Black Lion Chest keys will be rewarded to participating players via in-game mail the week of January 15. ago. 000 gems if bought separately. ago. Among other adjustments, all former Black Lion Chest Exclusive items will be available for purchase from the vendor once they leave the Black Lion Chest itself. Inside each Black Lion Chest, you’re guaranteed to find a Fine Black Lion Dye Canister—Red, a redeemable Black Lion Statuette, and two common items. Monday 09:30 UTC+2 — Black Lion keys may only be obtained from the level 10 personal story once per account per week. 026 1349g 91s 87c * 1. Items of interest:. Danikat. As long as you are willing to save your black lion statutes, 60 for the exclusive items, then they are definitely worth it. I started with 95 keys…The government does allow people to decide. Black Lion Statuettes NPCs change their wares with new Black Lion Chests offerings, usually (with Releases). Black Lion Finisher Voucher Black Lion Weapons Voucher 3 Seven Dragon Dye Packs Week Four. Those are Living World Story episodes and Black Lion Keys. 0. Double-click to receive the following items: 10 Black Lion Chest Keys and 1 Golden Black Lion Chest Key. Like and subscribe?I'm working on finishing up central tyria map completion, and was wondering. The first key acquired is on a weekly cooldown, but the rest are not so you could do this run forever for 3/4 keys per run. Then what would stop them from making Black Lion Keys cost ectos or gold or etc? Everyone would be incentivized to trade real money to buy gold/ectos/keys just with extra steps. Seven Reapers Legguards (Black Lion Chest Keys) New Discounts. There are a few options, but trinkets have the best key to gold ratio of any item. Then again, it's still fun to gamble the 1-2 weekly keys. Original price for 25 keys are 2100 gems. Select which payment method you want to use. This reward is also not time gated, but it does require that your character is level 80. Black Lion Keys and Scrap Package is a Gem Store bundle. 1st 🗝 from level 10 (As shown in the video)2nd 🗝 from level 40 (Story: Setting the Sta. I know that there are ways of getting Black Lion Keys in game, but these are rather sparse and time consuming in my opinion. Costs are usually in the area of 200-250g and gives you 7 full tickets. Business, Economics, and Finance. Follow the quest pointer until you reach the entrance of the labyrinth and join the instance. ago. enough for 75% completion and the drop was a random one. This key will unlock one Black Lion Chest merchandise, including some rare items not sold separately. The Black Lion Weapons Voucher returns with updated selections from recent releases. buying them, personal story, map completion, etc. How to farm Black Lion Keys:Create a new character, choose a Warrior Human from the Common folk and rush your way to the level 10 story quests that rewards y. 99951. Are they? You are paying cash to basically roll the dice with a small chance of a "jackspot". Completed 4 Requisition Missions. I completed a map got the chest reward and it was a was a normal BL key so bought a chest from the TP opened the box and got 3 Golden keys from it, So i bought 3 more chest from the TP, All 3 chest i opened had a rare skins one for 168 gold one for 79. This package includes a brand-new way to unlock dyes you don’t own: the Guaranteed Dye Unlock. you also get tomes and writs from the fractal dailies, 3 tomes (1 tome per tier daily) and 2 writs (1 writ from each specific lvl. shadowstep (so usefull for instances where, for example, you need to give the medicine to the guy on the bed and come back: you can just use shadowstep from the entrance to the ceiling, talk with the guy and shadowstep again) lots. Im new, opened two chests so far and got the outfit. • 1 yr. Give your character a new look this summer!. 2. Don't buy key. Select from Zephyrite Lockpicks, Bandit Skeleton Keys, Pact Crowbars, Exalted Keys, Vials of Chak Acid, Machetes, Trader's Keys, Ornate Rusted Keys, and Mistborn Keys. (Note: These upgrades will not be visible in the Gem Store to players who have already purchased them. m on Monday, February 3. • 3 yr. As a Belgian I don't have this problem since Anet decided to just disallow us to get Black Lion Keys rather than fix their in-game gambling systems (same goes for those mount lootboxes fwiw). Domain of Istan. Problem solved. I've gotten 1 or 2 skins on the 4th or 5th key so it's not so bad. Its not a casino game. The Black Lion Lockbreaker Kit is a container that offers a choice of keys that allow. . Log in and visit the Guild Wars 2 Gem Store during the sale to see the available items in each category. So nope, nope, nope, nope AAAAND nope. F1reman2. Cost : 24,000 Gold (Gold to Gems)Loot : 8,000 Gold (including Black Lion Ticket, not including any skins unlocked)69 War God's Weapons29 Equinox Weapons138 Black Lion Tickets (including guaranteed Scrap Ticket for each Chest)179 Guaranteed Unlocks471 Dyes KitsEtherbound Backpiece/Glider2 Mithril. Instant level 80 ticket - already have around 400 tomes of knowledge so I'm good. According to the wiki you get a blc key three times during your personal story: Completion of the level 10 racial story (Only once per week per account). If you weren't around to unlock it, it is only 200 gems. Posted August 15, 2021. “. When using scrolls to get to level 20, get signet of might, balanced stance and signet of dolyak, and you can take down Big Nose Ted and the other knocking enemies without flinching. This package includes a brand-new way to unlock dyes you don’t own: the Guaranteed Dye Unlock. . If I remember correctly, this new fixed slot replaces what used to be a slot that exclusively rewarded boosters. . Living World is the story that. 65. Check out our Gem Store blog or the Gem Store in the game for more information on these discounts, but as a teaser: Black Lion Chest Keys will be a whopping 40% off! Guild Wars 2 Expansion Sales. **note - If you receive a Black Lion Statuette as your third item, there is only ONE guaranteed slot for a random Black Lion item from this chest! CHEST CONTENTS. The chances that you won't get a single key are just over 1%. Like every 30th Key was basically a ticket (or 10 scraps) that alone is about 17 weapon skins which gives you 17*60 = 1020 Gold if you sell them instantly or more than 17 * 250 = 4250 Gold if you store them for like 3 months, since most of. Inside each Black Lion Chest, you’re guaranteed to find a Fine Black Lion Dye Canister—Red, a redeemable Black Lion Statuette, and two common items. . Before the current chest, it was actually pretty common to open 25 chests and not get a single uncommon drop, leaving you with 12~15 scraps in average (wow! $30 in keys for a 25g BL weapon) and a whole lot of Revive. I got these useless statuettes, useless buffs or consumables, useless crafting materials, a thing to get dyes that look just like old ones (takes many of those things for one dye), scraps of black lion tickets (takes 10-20 to get. lion chest loot table. Cooking 1-200, 30-40 minutes, but costs 2g~. By Archangel. That way Belgians would have access to exclusive BL Chest items as those are usually added to the vendors when they leave the chest. ), so that's ~2550 gems give or take, compared to 600-1000 gems for standard outfits, i. Thunderhead Peaks. However, keys are more difficult to obtain. Guild Wars 2 also gives you a Black Lion Chest Key as a story reward for finishing Living World Season 2, Heart of Thorns Act 3, and personal story levels 10, 40 (Setting the Stage), and 60 (The Battle of Claw Island). This unbeatable package deal comes with ten Black Lion Keys and two free, guaranteed Black Lion Claim Ticket Scraps. 026 = 1385g 01s 66c 79g 83s * 1. Map completion is probably your best bet. There is one item that’ll “boost” your chances of getting a rarer drop, and it’s the Golden Black Lion Chest Key. You might also find something rarer in the fifth slot, like exclusive items, home instance nodes, and skins from the Orchestral Weapon Collection and Abaddon Weapon Collection. Guild Wars 2 Discussion ; Black Lion Chest Keys - article Black Lion Chest Keys - article. . Currently, there are only 4 ways to get Golden Black Lion keys. . 2940 Gems = roughly 956gold (assuming 130g/400 gems). I have wanted the Zodiac Light skin for some time so immediately I started to farm for and save my Black Lion Statuettes. Setting the Stage (level 40) The Battle of Claw Island (level 60) As I understood it the lvl10 key only is on a weekly limit. The journal has section for the personal story, expansions, and each season of the Living World. In all the years I've played GW2 (since launch), I've only ever had 2 black lion keys drop from mobs. GSmaniamsmart gives a guide on farming black lion chest keys through the level 10 personal story reward, and all the things you'll need for the fastest key f. You'll get another 2-3 items from each chest but that's likely to be 2 common items or 2 common and 1 uncommon. The point is to have a bit of fun, I find buying the keys every 3-6 months makes the game a bit more fun for me. Posted September 24, 2018. e. 66 for a key through gameplay. I don't think most players obtain Black Lion Chest Keys for the more mundane items offered, or the Super Rare items offered, but for the Uncommon and Rare items that can only be acquired (at that time) from Black Lion. 1 Fueki. However, I recently opened a batch of 30 BL chests while happening to have various dec. Storage expander x3 (so that you can store 1k of each material) From there, other good choices are Bank Tab Expansions, a lounge key (Thousand Seas Pavilion and Mistlock Sanctuary are the best, IMO), and an additional character slot if you wanna do weekly BL key farming. ago. The contents of a Black Lion chest is random, but it always contains 3 items and it appears you always get at least one of these three items: – A random boost. Secondly: By actively purchasing keys you (as the consumer) are endorsing that product model (of high cost/low chance reward). Use this item to select your choice of key. . Evon Gnashblade has added two new discounts to the Black Lion Trading Post: Black Lion Keys and Trading Post Express are 20% off this weekend. NEW Black Lion Requisition office? REWARDS!Purchase End of Dragons & Support Jebro: Play Guild War. GW2 Fastest Black Lion Key Farm. Black Lion Requisition Mission Week 1. Yes, I am aware of the impulsive nature of this purchase. A while back I noticed that the Zodiac skins were being sold at the Black Lion Chest Merchant for 30 Statuettes. If you don't see these routes in the game,. March 29, 2019 ·. Compare that to the cost of (most) town clothes: from 150-750g today (average of buy/sell), and last month 250-1200 or more. buy the new skins, sell and rinse and repeat. How to get free black lion keys? A Black Lion Key is given for completing Setting the Stage in the Personal Story at level 40 and the level 60 story instance The Battle of Claw Island. Secrets of the Obscure Launch Supply Drop Requisition is a Gem Store container that grants 4 separate drops between August 15, and September 4, 2023, with its price increasing each week. pcgamer. To be specific:The 40 key is given after DE meets in lions arch and has another failing out. The Black Lion Trading. There is no status effect or benefit other than looks . A key dropped by Black Lion Chests so you can open chests while you open chests. Lucyller. Double-click to receive the following items: 10 Black Lion Chest Keys and 1 Golden Black Lion Chest Key. You also have a chance to find something rarer in the fifth slot, including special items, glyphs, and skins from the Ice Reaver Weapon Collection and White Tiger Weapon. I really like that skin, but i cant get it. Week 1 February 28–March 6: 30% Off All Gliders and Backpack and Glider Combos February 28–March 2: 20% Off Black Lion Chest Keys March 3–9: 30% Off Shared Inventory Slots Week 2 March 7–March 13: 30% Off All Unique Weapon Skins March 10–16: 25% Off Bag Slot Expansions Week 3 March 14–20: 30% Off All. The chance to find a key isn't the highest, but map exploration is a natural part of Guild Wars 2, so you can passively earn Black Lion Chest Keys while exploring Tyria. ago • Edited 1 yr. Virtually 90% of the time you get nothing of value back, and the other 9,9% it's something around 20-40g. Guild Wars 2: Get an EASY Black Lion Key EVERY Week! Black Lion Key Guide How to NOT turn Karma into Gold - a Guild Wars 2 "Guide" HOW to FARM BLACK LION. Black Lion keys give 1 statuette for sure, so 3 keys = 1 guaranteed salvage kit. Many gacha games even cost 100 times black lion keys in real money currency to start. Its fair in my eyes and the game is a good quality. Going to edit my comment: these are roughly 25% off. • 3 yr. Edited April 28 by Omega. This means that buying keys in bulk is straight up a better price for salvage kits than buying the salvage kits directly. Rewarded Black Lion Chest Key or Transmutation Charge; Use Boons, Boosters, Nourishment and Utility buffs. Cooking 1-200, 30-40 minutes, but costs 2g~. Black Lion Chest Update: Liberated Resolve Inside each chest, you’re guaranteed to find a redeemable Black Lion Statuette, a Potion of Mist Rewards, and two common items. If you're not going to open it now, you can sell the chests to save inventory space. The numbers are in, over a large enough sample: it's a 30% Chance on completing any map. Fourth Drop: 5 Black Lion Chest Keys, 2 Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets, and a Golden Black Lion Chest Key . The other ones have no cap. August 22nd, at 4:00pm UTC-0, 2023 - August 28th, at 06:59am UTC-0, 2023. The Living World Season 2: Tangled Paths chapter also rewards a BL key upon completion. For 400 gems, you will receive one Guaranteed Dye Unlock, two Black Lion Chest Keys, five Transmutation Charges, and a Heroic Booster. It costs 50 Black Lion Statuettes, and guarantees an uncommon or better item. swag. 2. I understand Anet has to abide by our country's laws, but -But it means we can't get black lion keys (except through the weekly farm - only 1 per week - or by completing some maps of the LS) nor black lion. A Black Lion Chest is a container that, when used with a Black Lion Chest Key, yields four items, with a chance to contain a fifth item. Maybe it'll appear when it does reset. The first key acquired is on a weekly cooldown, but the rest are not so you could do this run forever for 3/4 keys per run. There is a sunk cost in buying the keys - it’s not a one for one trade off. Entirely up to you if you want to take the chance. I am a little confused on what you mean by the current chests. I'm glad Anet are bringing more GW1 stuff back. PvP. Black Lion Chest Keys, Transmutation Charges, Total Makeover Kits, Self-Style Hair Kits, and Name Change Contracts are 20% off until September 11. Black Lion Cape Voucher is a Gem Store container . This can be a BL kit (not rare at all but you may have to wait a few weeks). Weapon skins (with 50bls tickets) are close to 50s/BLS, that's one of the worst options. all want a 2k gem thing so we can insta level 80 as many times as we want getting 3 keys for 1 time each monday and 2 keys any others characters we do the same week. Check out our Gem Store blog or the Gem Store in the game for more information on these discounts, but as a teaser: Black Lion Chest Keys will be a. Finisher banner in the Gem Store. There’s no better time to stock up! On Sunday, November 26 and Monday, November 27, the following items will be 30% off: Equipment Template Expansions; Build Storage Expansions; Bag Slot Expansions; Black Lion Instant Level. All Activity; Home ; Game Discussion ; Guild Wars 2 Discussion ; Are Black Lion Keys "Loot Boxes" ?The contents are directly sent via an in-game mail titled "Delivery from: Black Lion Trading Company". — In-game description Acquisition[ edit] Sold by[ edit] Vendor Area Zone Cost Black. Rival skies package - they look like alright skins. I think it is well worth it if you have the money around to buy gems. Black Lion Chest Key (5) (guaranteed) Total Makeover Kit (guaranteed) Transmutation Charge (guaranteed) Bank Tab Expansion (guaranteed) Revive Orb (guaranteed) Notes . Posted April 28 (edited) 1) You don't have to buy gems with real money, you can buy them for gold. . My VERO:Subscribe to be notified for new Videos. Okay this is great. Personally it wouldn't be my first purchase, but it's a. Hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds and hundreds) of gold, the most expensive elite items you can get from underage gambling a BL chest. They also drop from BL chests, so you can try to farm BL keys (people farm 1 bl key per 20 minutes I think - but I don't know the BL kit loot rate in BL chests). Black Lions Keys exist for ANet's profit. Many games labelled as “gacha games” dont allow skipable lootboxes. 20% Off—End of Dragons Preparation Pack (if you’ve previously reached the limit of purchases per account, you can now purchase additional packs) March 2. . The other ones have no cap. Entirely up to you if you want to take the chance. LEARN MORE. Otherwise it's probably better to wait until there's. 25 ($1. If you buy black lion keys in bulk (and you buy gems for gold) they cost about 25 gold each. March 21–27: 30% Off Outfits. Use this voucher to select your choice of cape from a special selection. The last 0,1% don't exist. No, it's definitely not. The Black Lion Trading Company needs your help! Reward: Black Lion Booster (3) Turned in 250 Goods 0: Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event Week 1—Full Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event 0; Collect stolen Black Lion. 21. 000001% chance. The 25-Keys-pack is discounted by default, costing 2100 Gems (~17 Keys) instead of 25 Keys. Black Lion Outfit Voucher; Black Lion Weapon Voucher; 2 Each—Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow Fine Black Lion Dye Canisters; Week 4. A comprehensive Dualsense Controller Configuration for Guild Wars 2 (including all combat bindings, touch menus for mounts, UI, mastery/novelty skills, and squad markers) r/NewPokemonSnap • Here's a challenge. magic find does not affect the black lion chests but it is highly likely that the special items like mounts and unique skins have a different drop rate over the other items. We are temporarily removing Black Lion Keys and Transmutation Charges from all map completion reward tables while we fix an exploit. Use this item to select your choice of key. It used to be that you had a guaranteed claim scrap in each chest, so open ten chests and you got a claim ticket. Follow the quest pointer until you reach the entrance of the labyrinth and join the instance. This Guild Wars 2 video will answer the new players questions like: What the black lion chests are? What you can get from them? How to get black lion chest k. x10 Black Lion Chest Keys; x1 Black Lion Instant level 80 ticket; Cost in Gold: ~930. Yo! This is a guide for quickly gathering your weekly Black Lion Key! The Black Lion Keys are a expensive item to buy off the gem store, but if you do this e. If you are interested in the black lion chest exclusive items, elementalist sword, wild magic or gryphon backpack, then the keys are worth it. Rare. It's barely in the top 5 for NCSoft games, getting beaten by multiple DECADE old games. Trick #1 - Buy the mount vs. Two Heroic Boosters. 11. Yes! For that achievement, I believe once you open them all, it resets, and all the chests reset too. 13. Pact Victory Token. Guild Wars 2 Discussion ; Belgium "Loot boxes/gambling" / VPN / Gift (French ver available) Belgium "Loot boxes/gambling" / VPN / Gift (French ver available). It takes me about 40 minutes to farm a key. The current black lion chests have a guaranteed bag drop that features valuable crafting materials, so now is a great time to use them. It’s a great time to get Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire™ and Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™ —Digital Deluxe Upgrades for both expansions are 30% off this week! The Guild Wars 2 core game Digital Deluxe Upgrade is 50% off as well. Every time I ever looted a chest, they all looked the same to me. Is the Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket permanent or is it only for one use (would be strange for 2k games but who knows). [deleted] • 6 yr. Black Lion Trading Post. Last Tuesday ArenaNET started a Bonus event to find Skritt around the world, which has really good rewards (A bag slot expansion, a selectable gem store weapon skin, Black Lion keys & statuettes and more). In my quest to obtain every "reasonably obtainable" skin in Guild Wars 2, I get some massive value from opening Black Lion Chests and some decently good look. EDIT: Bought 5 more keys with the leftover gems and got the Starborn outfit, still no unlocks though. I level my key toon to 80, full legendary armor + trinkets + weapons, then port them to Bloodstone Fen for a quick map complete and chance at BL Key, then do LW S2 Ep 6 Tangled Paths which awards a key, then do the personal story LV10 for a key, then complete LV20. Otherwise sell it for gold as it will greatly help with other aspect of the game. You now have to lvl to 10 before you can do the Personal Story missions for the Black Lion Key. The main. You always get 2 equips, some materials and a random BL item. I think its a problem when you spend time, money and got nothing. Most items purchased are immediately delivered through the mail . . It's broken down via LS. These key rewards are not time gated. ago. No, the cap is only on the lv10 instance,because that one was farmed. Completed 4 Requisition Missions. There’s no better time to stock up! On Sunday, November 26 and Monday, November 27, the following items will be 30% off: Equipment Template Expansions; Build Storage Expansions; Bag Slot Expansions; Black Lion Instant Level. (Human, commoner is fastest) Doing hearts, I can get a key in 1-2 hours. Back; New Player Guides. If the rate is 1:3, then the odds drop to 0. LEARN MORE . These are not repeatable and earn up to 14 keys. I use money to buy gems to get Black Lion keys every year. 6 Winter Chimes Dye Kit => nothing worthy 3 Solar and Lunar Dye Kit => 2 exclusives : Rose Gold Dye, Silver Satin Dye. Seraph Chest. So I've always popped BL chests as I obtain keys. Black Lion Chest Key; Bag of Loot (10) Large Bag of Bandit Crests; Walkthrough . The chests can be sold for a low amount of money but keys can't. I got tired of that stack of 250 chests sitting in the bank that have been collecting dust over the past year. Like most of those people have to own some copy of the game and black lion keys don’t have real monetary value that can be easily consumed. — In-game description. there is no cap, it's just complete RNG with the chances averaging out somewhere around 25%. . I really like that skin, but i cant get it. Seraph Chest. November 2023 Black Friday Sales. Make your decision to update this table before completing the map. You can repeat it to earn a total of 50 achievement points, and also, you get the infusions from them all again, and the chance for the ascended aqua breather. Reply reply Myth2156 • Free lion keys can't be gifted anymore as all are claimed or gone from store. e. Then, in your level 20 story, choose "lead them into a trap" instead of "ambush their base". 65. Verdict: This one’s a good bundle at the original price of 3. Guild Wars 2 - Guild Wars 2's open world is all about discovery and exploration. 8537. 1Acquisition. 1k Posted May 21, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, Serenity. Which it clearly is. As someone who farms hard for keys (and occasionally buys them) it is aggravating when you get unexciting rewards from a key you had to complete 5 maps before getting, but the guaranteed statuettes do add up. 3- Guild Wars 2 is not very lucrative in the Asian Market, the place were NCSoft makes the vast majority of it's profit. 25 per 100 Gems) When parsed out like this, the costs of what you get to what you spend in terms of Black Lion Chest Keys is fairly. 24 Black Lion Salvage Kits (=600 uses) And 13 Black Lion Keys => Multiply End value with 513/500 = 1. Black Lion Chest Keys, Shared Inventory Slots, Transmutation Charges, Total Makeover Kits, Self-Style Hair. Your lvl does not matter when you open them. Technically, with a 20% chance of the reward being a key you are already doing 5 maps just to get 1 key, if you take your lifetime average into account. Probably don't do that for the one that costs 8000 gold. ago. 53. If PvP already earns more keys per unit time via gold earned, we can immediately dismiss the idea of a Black Lion reward track, because PvP already gives the player an advantage in earning keys. ago. Members. I've got 5 black lion keys stored in my bank for when I want to use them. Price for skins when they just got released is around 65g. Hey all, couldn't find a post about this, but as of the november 8th update you can trade in 20 black lion statuettes for one of the old towns clothes as outfits! You can also exchange the existing tonics for them, but uhhh. This weekend only, Evon Gnashblade is slashing the price on Black Lion Chest Keys! Unlock the secrets of the Black Lion Chest with 20% off on Keys now through 11:59 p. 103. You get those from the Black lion chests which you have to buy a key for to open. The current seasonal reward is pretty meh. you also get tomes and writs from the fractal dailies, 3 tomes (1 tome per tier daily) and 2 writs (1 writ from each specific lvl.